
At my last lecture we were asked to find a minimum of 10 signs and categorize them into icon, index or symbol. I have found 13 so far. 1 is no entry/ don’t do that sign off of the fire safety signs in my flat, I want to say its a mix of an index and an icon. Indexical, as we associate it with no entry but possibly iconic as its everywhere and is used on clothing sometimes. 2 is a wee sign off of my lunchbox which originally was a plastic takeaway tub. 2 I believe to be an index as its makes you think of food. 3 is the wee lion off of the egg boxes, he is an icon I think as he still has some resemblance to an actual lion but has nothing to do with eggs unless they are from Britain so that may actually make him a symbol but the lion is an icon image for Great Britain. 3’s a mish mash. 4 is one of the many signs next to the fire extinguisher, I thinks its an index as its fairly straightforward in what it shows. 5 is the running exit man from the cantina, he too is an index. 6 is the grill sign from the oven, now this could either be an index but it may also be a symbol as some ovens are different and you need to learn their signs. 7 is the whirlpool logo off of the fridge/freezer, I thinks its a symbol as its fairly abstracted and if you had never seen a whirlpool before you probably wouldn’t know what it was. It also as nothing to do with a fridge. 8 is a no bin sign off my laptop charger, its probably an index but could be a strange symbol if you didn’t know about batteries or laptops. 9 is a bin man sign from some food packaging, its an index, pretty straight forward, put your food waste in the bin. 10 is from the fire blanket in the kitchen, i’m not to sure of this one myself so to me its symbolic of something dangerous, but I think its an index about something to do with it being bad for your heart. 11 is the pregnant lady sign from the back of alcohol bottles and an index. Don’t drink and be pregnant at the same time, not good. 12 is the recycling triangle, an index to most but could be seen as symbol to those who don’t know about recycling or iconic as its kind of representative but kind of not but its used world wide. And finally number 13, the happy jumping person from a squash bottle, he’s fairly abstracted but still a recognisable human form, I think this little guys an icon. So there we go 13 signs categorized.